Introduction ============ This is the documentation for the Sphinx documentation builder. Sphinx is a tool that translates a set of reStructuredText_ source files into various output formats, automatically producing cross-references, indices, etc. That is, if you have a directory containing a bunch of reST-formatted documents (and possibly subdirectories of docs in there as well), Sphinx can generate a nicely-organized arrangement of HTML files (in some other directory) for easy browsing and navigation. But from the same source, it can also generate a PDF file using LaTeX. The focus is on hand-written documentation, rather than auto-generated API docs. Though there is support for that kind of documentation as well (which is intended to be freely mixed with hand-written content), if you need pure API docs have a look at `Epydoc `_, which also understands reST. For a great "introduction" to writing docs in general -- the whys and hows, see also `Write the docs `_, written by Eric Holscher. .. _rinohtype: Conversion from other systems ----------------------------- This section is intended to collect helpful hints for those wanting to migrate to reStructuredText/Sphinx from other documentation systems. * Gerard Flanagan has written a script to convert pure HTML to reST; it can be found at the `Python Package Index `_. * For converting the old Python docs to Sphinx, a converter was written which can be found at `the Python SVN repository `_. It contains generic code to convert Python-doc-style LaTeX markup to Sphinx reST. * Marcin Wojdyr has written a script to convert Docbook to reST with Sphinx markup; it is at `GitHub `_. * Christophe de Vienne wrote a tool to convert from Open/LibreOffice documents to Sphinx: `odt2sphinx `_. * To convert different markups, `Pandoc `_ is a very helpful tool. Use with other systems ---------------------- See the :ref:`pertinent section in the FAQ list `. Prerequisites ------------- Sphinx needs at least **Python 3.5** to run, as well as the docutils_ and Jinja2_ libraries. Sphinx should work with docutils version 0.12 or some (not broken) SVN trunk snapshot. .. _reStructuredText: .. _docutils: .. _Jinja2: Usage ----- See :doc:`/usage/quickstart` for an introduction. It also contains links to more advanced sections in this manual for the topics it discusses.